General Super-short example So how does it actually look when writing an application with Revo?
These few following paragraphs show how could one design super-simple application that can save tasks using event-sourced aggregates and then query them back from a RDBMS.
A little-bit more complete application based on this code, along with some walkthrough, can be found in the Task list app example .
The event that happens when changing a task's name.
Copy public class TodoRenamedEvent : DomainAggregateEvent
public TodoRenamedEvent ( string name)
Name = name;
public string Name { get ; }
The task aggregate root.
Copy public class Todo : EventSourcedAggregateRoot
public Todo ( Guid id , string name) : base(id)
protectedTodo ( Guid id) : base(id)
public string Name { get ; private set ; }
public void Rename ( string name)
if ( ! Name != name)
Publish( new TodoRenamedEvent (name));
private void Apply ( TodoRenamedEvent ev)
Name = ev . Name ;
Command and command handler
Command to save a new task.
Copy public class CreateTodoCommand : ICommand
public CreateTodoCommand ( string name)
Name = name;
[ Required ]
public string Name { get ; }
Copy public class TodoCommandHandler : ICommandHandler < CreateTodoCommand >
private readonly IRepository repository;
public TodoCommandHandler ( IRepository repository)
this . repository = repository;
public Task HandleAsync ( CreateTodoCommand command , CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var todo = new Todo ( command . Id );
todo .Rename( command . Name );
repository .Add(todoList);
return Task . CompletedTask ;
Read model and projection
Read model and a projection for the event-sourced aggregate.
Copy public class TodoReadModel : EntityReadModel
public string Name { get ; set ; }
Copy public class TodoListReadModelProjector : EFCoreEntityEventToPocoProjector < Todo , TodoReadModel >
public TodoListReadModelProjector ( IEFCoreCrudRepository repository) : base(repository)
private void Apply ( IEventMessage < TodoRenamedEvent > ev)
Target . Name = ev . Event . Name ;
Query and query handler
Query to read the tasks back from a RDBMS.
Copy public class GetTodosQuery : IQuery < IQueryable < TodoReadModel >>
Copy public class TaskQueryHandler : IQueryHandler < GetTodoQuery , IQueryable < TodoReadModel >>
private readonly IReadRepository readRepository;
public TaskListQueryHandler ( IReadRepository readRepository)
this . readRepository = readRepository;
public Task < IQueryable < TodoReadModel >> HandleAsync ( GetTodoListsQuery query , CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task .FromResult(readRepository
.FindAll < TodoListReadModel > ());
ASP.NET Core controller
Or just any arbitrary endpoint from where to send the command and queries from. :)
Copy [ Route ( "todos" )]
public class TodoController : CommandApiController
[ HttpGet ( "" )]
public Task < IQueryable < TodoReadModel >> Get ()
return CommandBus .SendAsync( new GetTodosQuery ());
[ HttpPost ( "" )]
public Task Post ([ FromBody ] CreateTodoDto payload)
return CommandBus .SendAsync( new CreateTodoCommand ( payload . Name ));
public class CreateTodoDto
public string Name { get ; set ; }
Now you are ready save the TO-DOs to an event store and read them from regular RDBMS read models.