Project structure

The framework codebase is split into a number of submodules, making it possible to only use what is needed.

  • Core

    • Revo.Core Implements framework’s core features like events or commands and defines basic structures and interfaces for things like the unit of work pattern, security permissions and other utilities.

    • Revo.DataAccess Lower-level data access layer that provides interfaces and other abstractions for working with databases, independent of domain concepts (aggregates, consistency boundaries, etc.).

    • Revo.Domain Defines most of the framework’s building blocks for an application domain model – i.e. aggregates, entities, sagas, etc.

    • Revo.Infrastructure Interfaces for working with application domain and related aspects of an applications – e.g. aggregate repositories, event stores, projections, jobs, asynchronous event queues, etc.

    • Revo.Testing Provides several useful facilities for easier application testing – e.g. assertions for event-sourced aggregates or fake repositories (refer to the Testing chapter).

  • Providers

    • Revo.AspNetCore Provides support for ASP.NET Core applications – application life cycle hooks, user context, authentication, etc.

    • Revo.AspNet Provides support for ASP.NET applications – application life cycle hooks, user context, authentication, etc.

    • Revo.EasyNetQ EasyNetQ integration for event messaging via RabbitMQ.

    • Revo.EFCore

      Data access and infrastructure (aggregate store, event store, async events...) implementation using Entity Framework Core.

    • Revo.EF6

      Data access and infrastructure (aggregate store, event store, async events...) implementation using Entity Framework 6.

    • Revo.Hangfire Hangfire integration for background jobs.

    • Revo.Raven Data access layer implementation using RavenDB database system.

    • Revo.Rebus Rebus integration for command/query and event messaging with RabbitMQ.

  • Extensions

    • Revo.Extensions.History

      Change-tracking and entity history features.

    • Revo.Extensions.Notifications An extensive and customizable framework for user notifications (including mail notifications, push notifications, etc.).

  • Tests

  • Examples

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