Configuration and boostrapping

Prior to bootstrapping a Revo application, one must first set up the framework and specify its configuration, which makes it possible to customize its behavior in a number of ways.


Apart from the usual possibility to specify many run-time parameters in a dynamic manner (such as loading database connection strings from configuration files), many aspects of the framework can only be altered using the programmatic configuration API. This configuration is represented by an instance of IRevoConfiguration , which itself is only a container for a number of IRevoConfigurationSection sections. When done building the configuration, the framework bootstraps the application using the parameters provided.


Typically, the configuration object would be created at an application entry point and then configured as neccessary using fluent-style extension methods.


To easily bootstrap a Revo in an ASP.NET core application, simply inherit your Startup class from the RevoStartup base class and override the CreateRevoConfiguration method.


public class Startup : RevoStartup
    public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) : base(configuration)

    public override void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // TODO configure your services

    public override void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
        base.Configure(app, env, loggerFactory);
        // TODO configure your ASP.NET core app, e.g.:

    protected override IRevoConfiguration CreateRevoConfiguration()
        string connectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("TodosPostgreSQL");

        return new RevoConfiguration()
            .UseEFCoreDataAccess(contextBuilder => contextBuilder.UseNpgsql(connectionString))


In ASP.NET applications, this would be the inside a RevoHttpApplication, e.g.:

public class MvcApplication : RevoHttpApplication
    protected override IRevoConfiguration CreateRevoConfiguration()
        return new RevoConfiguration()
            .UseEF6DataAccess(useAsPrimaryRepository: true, connection: new EF6ConnectionConfiguration("EntityContext"))

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